
2022 OCA Annual General Meeting

2022 OCA Annual General Meeting will take place on-line, on the OCA website (, from Sunday, June 5th 6:00pm EST ​to Sunday, June 12th 6:00pm EST. 


1. President’s report
2. Treasurer’s report
3. Youth Coordinator’s report
4. Vice-Presidents reports
5. Allocation of OCA Governors between OCA Leagues
6. Ratification of the new members of the Board
7. Election of Officers
8. Consideration of any Special Resolutions
9. 2023 Ontario Open
10. Other provincial tournaments for the new fiscal year

11. Other business 

12. Closing remarks 


Ilia Bluvshtein, 

OCA President


2022 Ontario Open

It will be organized by Annex Chess Club in Toronto on May 21-23, 2022. Please see details in the flyer. (Updated on March 24, 2022)

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